Im very excited about achievement diaries, but we need to know a bit more about them before they are polled. Also i think a few changes should be made.
-change western banner to a quiver. this would utilize the ammo slot and be a nice addition to the game. I remember there used to be one in the live game that held 255 ammo in each slots, with 4 slots. it was very nice for armadyl back then as your broads for kc, diamond (e) and ruby (e) only took up one slot. im not saying the quiver has to be this, but something similar
-The wilderness sword stats should be given for each tier
-Double runes from barrows should be changed. this would ruin the rune market, as there are already plenty of runes coming in to the game. perhaps a chance at 50% runes? or add the ROW items from live game to the chest (pray pot (2), sharks, super defence, and normal restore pots)
-something should be done with the cooking guild bank for varrock elite. it wouldn't be any faster than rogues den, potentially slower actually. But it would be nice to see some people in the cooking guild again
-20% experience from motherlode mine is a huge increase. I would like to see this at 5-10%, with a higher chance of mining higher level ores added
-announce information about the 2 new spells, i'm sure people would like to know what they are voting for exactly. do the spells require high magic, or mid-level magic? what runes are used? does the dragonstone charge do a full inventory or 1 at a time?
There are a few other things, but i think you get the idea of what specifics players want to know before voting
01-Dec-2014 19:29:20