EDIT: For anyone interested, I've made a detailed reddit post called:
'Solo snake boss - Venomous bow?'
As a replacement to the blowdart, please do go take a look if you can
~23rd Nov 11pm
I've posted this on reddit, so I may as well post it here:
I am going to go ahead and be blunt, I love the concept of the snake and the venom theme, but the rewards are
and not what I was expecting to put forward from a
High level solo boss
. What I should say first is that this is a
PvM based update
and I would expect the rewards to be PvM based primarily, i.e., giving us rewards that are beneficial in both general PvM training through slayer and with our current and future bosses.
The Venomous Blowpipe:
This is a weapon aimed at
and most likely
. I would assume it's going to have
very little ranged distance
and is also going to be expensive to run even in PvP where one would assume dragon darts would be used.
I feel
we already have the dragon darts/ rune knives available to us
and we really
don't need another weapon like these
to add to the collection.
I was really, really hoping for us to finally get a competitor to the ACB + shield combo with a
Zaryte style 2h handed bow
that would perhaps be great for DKs, Saradomin god wars and Armadyl to name a few. It would have been fantastic if the Snake boss would drop an
attachment to our crystal bow
in order to make a bow similar to the Zaryte bow.
21-Nov-2014 19:23:58
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23-Nov-2014 22:53:44
that also inflicts venomous poison. The bonus' it currently has over our current rune defender are
compared to the degrade costs and thus
hardly making it worth using it.
What has been said by 100s in the past is:
'We want the dragon defender from the warrior's guild'
. It's the only
way to introduce it and it makes
no sense to give us something that is both tradeable and only slightly better than what we can already get for
I am honestly baffled that you still haven't polled the dragon defender to come from the warrior's guild...
What I've seen suggested in the suggestions forum on several occsasions is a
1 handed best in slot crush weapon
similar to the abyssal whip and the zamorakian hasta that would either gives strength exp or attack AND defence exp.
I highly suggest going down this route over the defender; it's a
very high level solo boss that should drop very high level equipment not a level 65 dragon defender.
21-Nov-2014 19:24:07
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21-Nov-2014 19:28:04
Again another weapon aimed at
. I only ever see the SOT* used in PvP and
I can't see a little extra magic accuracy and the chance to inflict venomous poison changing that.
We have the
which is
very cheap
holds it's own spell
(thus giving more invent spaces) and will
still be the best DPS even at 99 magic.
I feel this Fang staff will
serve very little purpose
to what the SOT* already does and is
bringing it to the game.
I was hoping we would finally get some
high level magical robes
don't degrade
that are perhaps either
damage boosting or more tanky
, making it more useful in both PvP and PvM.
Let me know what your thoughts are! I really hope they seriously rework these rewards because I certainly will be very disappointed if they don't change drastically to what they have already put forward.
21-Nov-2014 19:27:44
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21-Nov-2014 19:29:40
that also inflicts venomous poison. The bonus' it currently has over our current rune defender are
compared to the degrade costs and thus
hardly making it worth using it.
What has been said by 100s in the past is:
'We want the dragon defender from the warrior's guild'
. It's the only
way to introduce it and it makes
no sense to give us something that is both tradeable and only slightly better than what we can already get for
I am honestly baffled that you still haven't polled the dragon defender to come from the warrior's guild...
So much this. I would *Love* a Dragon Defender. Just as it was released originally. No changes, no degradation, no adding it to a rune defender then it degrading into a rune defender, no minigame reward shop! Just the dragon defender dropped from the clyclopses (cyclopsi?) or a more powerful cyclops that spawn randomly.
2595 RS3 Efficiency Experts
2277 OSRS Hexis
I love the look of the boss, it will be amazing to finally have a boss with mechanics.
Sadly I have to say this for the 2nd or 3rd time that I agree with Cams - the rewards are looking worse and worse everytime I re-read the OP.
I really hope J Mods will look at the feedback and realize that they need to change the loots even before polling them since there's no way these drops are getting 75% considering how bad they are.
- a ring that will prevent all poison types, however it has to be "charged" by using anti-poison potions on it. It will store up to 180 minutes worth of poison repelling effects, which only drains while in combat to the nearest minute. A great concept to provide indefinite protection from poisons that requires some maintenance to keep it working, also a great item sink for the lower end anti-poison potions that often aren't used.
Venom poison potion
- a potion that can only be used on spears, hastas, javelins. The snake boss will drop a "damaged fang" that will be ground up with a mortar & pestle and combined with a torstol (unf) potion. Requiring 93 Herblore to mix the potion. "Damaged fang" is untradable, however the completed potion is tradable. Gives herblorists a chance to make some profit.
Javelins are currently absolutely never used and completely useless. They need their range strength buffed, accuracy improved, etc.
I love the snake boss even more now with the rewards!!! LOVE THEM!!!! <3
shame shame, Ronan, you used the pink hair instead of white.
Love the idea of constantly repairing the equips. Gives the boss consistent money to be made, and the scales will always be needed, even more so when more people have the equipment!
Love giving a use to darts! Now we just need something for javelins and thrown axes
Love the reverse poison!!
the shield is essentially a dragon defender with poison, by the way. I hope it passes. If it does, I won't mind not getting dragon defender.
QUESTION! In the 100% repaired and 0%, will the drops be tradeable? And at 0% will it be like barrows, or just break completely like Amulet of the Damned? From my reading it seems like barrows because of how you explained how it functions upon drop from death.