Elaborate on the 200k coin thing. How long would the instanced area last? How many people could use it? What would make the instanced area go away (if all players left, if they dced for 5 minutes, etc.). Would the 200k be split among all the players or would one person have to pay it? 200k per entry is pretty terrible seeing as how most 5-6 man teams bank every 2-3 kills.
Arma Cbow - I would like it to look like it did pre-eoc. Alfred's design has too much going on. Poll the special attack animation and the graphical animation separately please. Would be nice if Mod Ghost could design it to look like the pre-eoc version also. Or at least show a zoomed out version of the cbow.
Please allow gem bags to hold opal, jade, and red topaz. Might as well poll them both at the same time yeah?
I like all of the other updates you guys are polling.
Maybe offer a peek in option for corp?
AND PLEASE - Give ents full xp!!!! Also increase rune spawns at dark warrior fortress and make it so you can't telly inside the fortress as well as removing the high level dark warriors and bandits so this can be a good pk spot again! Castle pking was the best on classic but you guys have allowed it to suck.
24-Oct-2014 16:41:15