Resizeable please! So tired of waiting for this. Also the Trading Post. C'mon hurry up Jagex!
Also: The Grim Reaper Hood was really really badly modeled and looked far off the actual hood from 2007. I suggest you look up a video on YouTube and remodel it as it was. I cringed when I wore it the first time.
25-Oct-2014 13:28:53
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25-Oct-2014 13:30:17
Boog ie
Instanced cor*
Why do we need instanced corp (& other bosses)?
Personally I think the cost of using the instance should be increased to 500k, this would help adjust the amount of items coming into the game much better than 200k.
Elysian special effect animation
As many special effect animations we can have, I think we should have. But these animations don't need to be anything spectacular, just something small such as a colour effect around the player or item.
Armadyl crossbow
I think it's one of mod alfreds better designs, but I prefer the current armadyl crossbow, it looks more old school. In fact I found most reworks that mod alfred did, do not look very old school such as the recent bounty hunter rewards.
Nightmare zone graphic rework
It's current very mud like, so a graphic rework would be great but we need to be able to see an example before we vote on it.
Other questions:
Lumbridge shortcut shortcut
Why should lumbridge kitchen need a shortcut, we already have a shortcut in the back of lumbridge which makes the castle look silly.
Family crest change gauntlet.
Are people changing them enough for this to be an issue? From what I hear is that most people choose one and stick with it.
If this is needed then wouldn't having multiple gauntlets be a better option?
Iron man chat icon.
I thought that you took this out because it's a terrible idea. Iron men shouldn't have in game bragging rights, they already have their own highscore (which is soon to be dominated and boring again).
I personally don't think they should even have in game armour.
The only thing that should possibly happen is that the trade option is removed on iron men.
Iron man scroll of redirection.
I suppose this isn't something they can farm, but I'm unsure about this.
RIP Forums
Finally we have signatures in the surprise forum update. I'm Lewis, I play Old School & I've been playing since 2005.
200k is way too much lol, this isnt RS3.
lol? ya thats very undervalued your right this isnt runescape 3 and thats why the shields are way more expensive i reccomend the price increase to 1m considering how much money you can already make without the sigels.
99% of people who use NMZ are just AFKing there. Why rework something that nobody will even notice? You could put the graphics developer to work in far better ways then that.
i like most of the ideas going on but i'll have to vote no on the iron man chat icon next we'll have lvl 3 skillers deserve an icon then pures need an icon and it'll just become cluttered mess. only chat icons in the game should remain p mods and actual j mods but that's just my opinion.
Friends Iist
Would like to see the dragon crossbow added with a good spec and have the arma crossbows spec useless so range will have a good spec switch, maybe with dragon bolts just for it as well. Also 200k per corp entrance is insane for any small teams. Maybe 200k per hour would be more reasonable if that.
There is no way people of osrs would allow any kind of update to weaken the acb. It's the main weapon most people use in pk. So if i were you, go back to rs3 and enjoy that dragon crossbow fool. Other than that i'd careless about the graphical update.
25-Oct-2014 17:43:44
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25-Oct-2014 17:47:21
POH Iori