
Corporeal Beast Changes

Quick find code: 380-381-112-65500136



Posts: 5,052 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
You guys do not even try at all do you? There are people there looting people as they die because of issues with your servers. How do you fix it?? You put a level requirement to enter.

You couldn't just give players a lot more time to get back there which takes more then 2 minutes if your disconnected. Or make it a fun style mini game where if you die you spawn back at entrance. Nope your aim is not to fix the problem its to keep players as loot bags for other players.

And why are you doing this? because to fix the problems may upset your target audience of players you seem to be catering to which are pkers. And that is the real reason you have not implemented grave stones yet. It has nothing at all with removing a sense of danger. If you die even if you keep your items you are still sent back to the very starting point of the game literally. Unless you have fally or camelot as your respawn point.

When are you going to learn its not much fun killing a boss you have no chance at loot from? It takes several people to down the boss and then only 1 person is rewarded from it. And when are you going to realize the bulk of your player base do not pk? Others games have long since learned that raid bosses and pking content in their games cater to a small minority of the player base.

They stopped catering to them and started development of content for the majority of their players and they are thriving. But here we can not get much better weapons armor or spells because they could upset some mythical thing called the triangle for combat that is supposed to be a fine balance.

A level 100 requirement is ridiculous to say the least. Especially when the only reason they are able to loot others there is because you yourselves allow it. A dc can take 2-3 minutes to resolve depending on how bad it is. And the run there is not less then 2 minutes. All the while your picking up your stuff and losing health as you do. Not happy at all.

17-Oct-2014 15:35:45



Posts: 170 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Quest point requirement! 100 combat is a bit much, look me up on high scores, maxxed zerker and I'm only 97 combat but I could kill corp with my zerkers friends just fine.

I'd be fine with a QP req. I've got barrows gloves on my Zerk, so even 150-180 range for qp would suffice. Allowing some tolerances for pure's who don't want defense or prayer. and could thus choose to opt out of such quest's.

17-Oct-2014 15:35:50



Posts: 2 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
My concern with this is you released a new boss that's supposed to be risky to attempt, and then you remove all risk involved. There is now no fear of dying at Corp. Yes I know there are server issues. But now that you can die and still get back to your stuff with relative ease, with no fear of losing it, there's really no reason in not staying till a dangerous point and hoping you get that kill.

17-Oct-2014 15:36:27



Posts: 97 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I do not see a reason for the level cap that was placed with this update. The easier method out of this was to make custom rooms on any world. One person would just have to pay 100k or what ever it was to create a room to kill corp. it would be looter free , and hopefully lag free because it would switch to a certain server, and no one would know that you are in that world. I am level 60 ish atm and once I max on my zerker I will be level 95, that will hold me out of corp because of that cap, and I am notwilling to ruin my account to go bossing with mates.

17-Oct-2014 15:36:31



Posts: 24 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
wowowow.. thats a really stupid update to make it 100+ combat. Why don't you poll that first before making these decisions. Corp was really enjoyable for lvl 80-90 cb aswell.
Please chance it to what the community wants and not just pick a number.

17-Oct-2014 15:36:34

Feb Member 2024


Posts: 296 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I really liked the 30 min timer for the untradable items, kinda sad its gone :( , I seem to dc a lot lately, this 30 min timer would be very useful.

17-Oct-2014 15:39:25 - Last edited on 17-Oct-2014 15:45:57 by DY1

Mod Mat K

Mod Mat K

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
Hey guys, these changes are temporary until we can put other solutions in place which will take longer to implement. We had to react quickly and have something in place prior to the weekend. Please give us your feedback over the weekend and we can make some tweaks next week.

17-Oct-2014 15:41:52

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