
Corporeal Beast Changes

Quick find code: 380-381-112-65500136

permi mut3

permi mut3

Posts: 574 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
way to go u finally ruined old school for me also. im 99 range im a pure i dont plan on ever being 100 combat i used to do corp on a pure pre eoc and was planing on doing on here also i already have a few corp kill but because of this stupid update i now have nothing to do but pk. but wait u added stupid monsters in wildy so no one pks now. only thing u can do is rush in edge which gets old ******** old school wait its not old school cause they changed how deaths work and almost everthing else. hello new eoc soon....

17-Oct-2014 16:23:01



Posts: 3,395 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Honestly Mod Matt, 07 servers were fun for a while, I even enjoy to gwd every now and then, but we need more imaginative developers on the osrs team. It just seems like you guys are copy/pasting code from the live game into 07.
Someone on the dev team should realize that in order for this game to thrive, is to make it its own entity, rather than continuing the path rs3 took. If new content is released, and i mean 100%, started from the bottom, content, then it will make the 07 servers different from rs3. It will create its own publicity, rather than relying on streamers and what they want into the game, and will make 07 different than rs3.
The difference between rs3 and 07 is the dev team for rs3 decideded to take the game in its own direction, while they dev team for 07 is just re-releasing content already created. I'm slowly becoming less interested to play this game, for that very reason. I'd be happy to speak with any developers and express interests that the majority of the rs community would enjoy.

17-Oct-2014 16:23:29

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