50k Fee to Advertise 5-10 items per 24 hours, kinda like a bank sale.
Buyers would have to be on the same server to access shop, just like player owned houses work.
Mechanics that allow us to put up limited items for sale, with custom prices visible. However if people feel that it's too much like Grand Exchange, the buying\selling process would require player presence for all transactions and the prices can be served as just advertisements.
Is this possible? Would it possible to code a shop with a scroll button that displays all seller names and their wares?
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Please do a poll for Forinthry dungeon! Add revenants, variety of monster in multi-area that can be fought with cannon (fast slayer xp), skilling resources etc etc
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I support new Herding skill@@@
Btw, in terms of an exchange, one of the problems with the original GE was the lack of best buy and best sell data. You were given a large range to trade within but had no idea what the actual current trading price within that range was. A new exchange system should provide real-time data on the current lowest selling price offer and the current highest buying price offer. There is a gap there since any selling offer lower than the highest buying offer would already have automatically resulted in a completed trade.
Actually one of the biggest problems with the original GE is that a flip merchant could instantly see this data buy overbidding to buy and underbidding to sell.
An old school GE should buy for you at exactly what you bid to buy for and sell your stuff for exactly what the sell offer was. Any difference in value would be removed from the game as a cash sink, think of it as a variable rate tax.
It should resemble the original ge in that it has the same or a similar interface and search functions and it doesn't need to have a Plaza, a copy pasted stall similar to the stalls at Ardougne would do with a banker and a GE teller.
And it should only fulfill offers while a player is logged in to the game.
I am more than willing to provide detailed sketches of the UTB interfaces for the Devs.
@ Forum
Please support the UTB; it is the revolutionary trade system that will destroy SPAM, spread more players across the world, and is a COMPROMISE between G/E supporters and anti-G/E supporters.
I want to see the release of the rest of the dragon equipment. For the Dragon Claws, the special attack needs to be something completely different, no argument there. One of my ideas was a buffed impale (Super Impale) from the rune claws.
Just curious: what the heck are you guys doing at Jagex hq? Do you just play cards all day long? You have no idea of how the game works and what the community needs. I have played this game for over 10 years and could alone do all the thinking for you. You write about making wilderness active and about a clan wars/bounty hunter is the same paragraph. Just focus on making the wilderness active for real and not on draining the last action from there.