
Dev blog: 2014 Thread is locked

Quick find code: 380-381-11-65435467

Shade 6222

Shade 6222

Posts: 131 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I think people are mis-understanding the 'raise your own animals' thing...

I'm pretty sure there was a discussion on this a while ago about adding a way to raise cows, sheep, etc. to the farming skill (maybe with player-owned farms) and that the mods are talking about that in the dev blog, and not just some variant on summoning.

09-Jan-2014 09:22:50



Posts: 28 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
hello im john playing rs07 again after 6months
i dont play rs3 becose gfx and other things liek combat sucks.
first thing after 1minute playing rs3 i see is a bugg watching troug the floor to a fish yay nice game guys :P

but back to rs07 looks a little like a rsps :P
when are the limes whips comming out :P #did u get it haha

if ( == jagex){ //p= playerhandler :P #bored
p.noobs = true;

lol im sure most ppl dont know java :P

but lets be little srs

okay in my opinion this is goign to grow like one big rsps
cant we just switch to 525?
it maybe sound stupid for most of u guys but 525 was pvp worlds and best time ever.

we got custom pvp worlds now without hotzones "earning potential" <- soz bout my grammer
and things like that okay i know we got old non tradelimit and things back but maybe its an idea to make it like you get the normale drop from the player and 1 random item

and whta about the old bountyhunter worlds they were awesome to lots of pkers came becose ppl didnt risk the good items they have +1 item!!!!!!!!!

and remove those staff of death ,acb,rainbowphat , black santa , black phat

just exchange them to 25m in rs07 and in rs3 to another item like a rubber chicken haha

and one question did u hire rsps makers or something hahahahhahaha

09-Jan-2014 10:04:10



Posts: 27 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Please bring back the bounty hunter craters just as they were released the first time and remove PVP, the community will be to split therefore there wont be enough action in either the wilderness, PVP or Bounty Hunter. You need to remove PVP to save all of the PK'ing action****

09-Jan-2014 10:25:34

Xenox Xrin
Jan Member 2024

Xenox Xrin

Posts: 211 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
One thing I'd really like, I don't know about others: the ability to import old untradeable rares from the EoC account, as well as from other, old accounts, by inputting the username and ******** for them. I really miss my skeleton costume. I don't mind not having the tradeables, but the fact that I earned my skeleton costume on a free account, then couldn't get it on Old School because I wasn't a member is really annoying.

Many players here would agree you ruined the game, ignoring player feedback for years. Then, you bring it back, but you have to pay. Then, all your untradeables are lost, unless you pay at a certain point in time to do the event all over again. If you couldn't afford membership at the time, well, tough luck. This rubs too much salt on my wounds.

Please, please, please think about transferring untradeables from old accounts. At least from the same account on EoC.

09-Jan-2014 11:00:23

Aug Member 2011


Posts: 963 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
For PvM I'd like to see more higher level content. Obviously something that is possible to solo, or a team. Maybe even a boss where the room is used much like the RS3 GWD rooms, you can choose solo or team in your own environment (but base drops differently, say teams have a much rarer rate than that of someone soloing, but balance so soloing isn't the only option).

Pking sorta goes with PvM as new content = new gear. We need more gear for all types of accounts to give that wide option. Currently it's about 3 options each for mage, range and melee far as pking. There are many options for making other skills more popular by adding more gear. I'd like to see something like mage robes by using the Runecrafting skill, some new dragon leather and bows made by Crafters and Fletchers, some new melee armor made by Smithers. Maybe something never seen like a Saw made by using Construction and Smithing? A bow that can be made from the bone of an animal by Hunting?

I'm glad to see trading will be improved. I like the idea of a G.E. one centralized zone for all items, into a single system, with the freedom to sell the item at your price, but also to have a price based on normal sell/buy offers.

09-Jan-2014 11:14:00

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