
Dev Blog: Bounty Hunter Shop 2

Quick find code: 380-381-101-65483873

Nov Member 2014


Posts: 61 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
It's disappointing that the first Saradomin Tear didn't pass poll. Seems like 74.6% of the community being happy with it should be enough. Now IF WE'RE LUCKY we'll end up with a marginally better saradomin sword that not only will cost an absurd amount of money but also degrades.. This combined with the overkill nerf to bh rewards... I hope that other 25.4% of the community is super happy with the results. It's also disappointing that the developers keep throwing out awesome ideas and getting them shot down by community voters only concerned with themselves.

As for my opinion on the other reworks:
Improved Gmaul: Should probably be cheap because the pures don't need a ton of accuracy and that tiny bit more accuracy is not really going to improve it's performance for higher lvl players very much.
Improved MSB: No complaints here. Pretty sweet little weapon if you know how to use it right.
Cosmetics: Nobody should have any reason to complain about this or downvote it. It's not only optional but you have to pay for it so if you don't like it you really shouldn't be bothered by it.
Tele To Target: Cool

Honestly though, I'm at the point where I'm just going to vote yes for everything unless it's just absolutely awful because new content = good for everybody. Failed poll after failed poll = accelerated death of the game.

23-Sep-2014 17:09:15

Tru Khaoz

Tru Khaoz

Posts: 344 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
[quote id=380-381-101-65483873-194-333241742]I'm going to respond to the main feedback I've seen on this thread so far. [b]Hardened granite maul[/b] I've seen some people asking for the hardened granite maul as a weapon with a defence requirement and this is an idea that I'm certainly up for. As it stands, the granite maul regularly one-hits pures... We could do without making it any easier. As for the granite maul special attack bug fix that happened a while back, there is no way to make the maul any faster than it currently is without making it unpredictable and glitchy. We want to keep it consistent and will be leaving it how it is. NOOO why would you not give it for pures too cmon Mod Ronan, defence requirements are stupid, just let us pures have a cool upgrade to a weapon frequently used

23-Sep-2014 17:15:46 - Last edited on 23-Sep-2014 17:16:06 by Tru Khaoz

Tru Khaoz

Tru Khaoz

Posts: 344 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
[quote id=380-381-101-65483873-211-333244747]It's disappointing that the first Saradomin Tear didn't pass poll. Seems like 74.6% of the community being happy with it should be enough. Now IF WE'RE LUCKY we'll end up with a marginally better saradomin sword that not only will cost an absurd amount of money but also degrades.. This combined with the overkill nerf to bh rewards... I hope that other 25.4% of the community is super happy with the results. It's also disappointing that the developers keep throwing out awesome ideas and getting them shot down by community voters only concerned with themselves. As for my opinion on the other reworks: Improved Gmaul: Should probably be cheap because the pures don't need a ton of accuracy and that tiny bit more accuracy is not really going to improve it's performance for higher lvl players very much. Improved MSB: No complaints here. Pretty sweet little weapon if you know how to use it right. Cosmetics: Nobody should have any reason to complain about this or downvote it. It's not only optional but you have to pay for it so if you don't like it you really shouldn't be bothered by it. Tele To Target: Cool Honestly though, I'm at the point where I'm just going to vote yes for everything unless it's just absolutely awful because new content = good for everybody. Failed poll after failed poll = accelerated death of the game.[/quote It's so horrible to see great updates/content lost because of this damn voting system. There are so many updates that just need to happen and not be voted on because the majority of players are scared of change coming to oldschool and "op" items coming which makes things extremely boring when nothing passes and we're stuck with the same old stuff we're always using. HARDENED GMAUL NEEDS TO PASS FOR PURES TOO, WITHOUT A DEFENCE REQUIREMENT.

23-Sep-2014 17:19:27 - Last edited on 23-Sep-2014 17:19:47 by Tru Khaoz

Tru Khaoz

Tru Khaoz

Posts: 344 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
[quote id=380-381-101-65483873-194-333241742]I'm going to respond to the main feedback I've seen on this thread so far. [b]PvP armours[/b] They have failed numerous times, I would not expect them to be polled again. It's obvious people want PVP armor and weapons, how about you stop listening to all the people that say no because they're scared they will be overpowered. I'm tired of only being able to use leaf blade, rune scim, brine, ancient staff, maul, obby maul as a 50 attack pure. I want a melee weapon that hits hard and doesn't require that I risk a bneck. Corrupt vls was the sickest thing for 50 attack pures. I don't see why the dev team let's the minority dictate what Oldschools future will be. what the minority consider OP are things that are needed to move forward and not only give incentive to progress a character, but to just continue playing rs to get these new things that you are letting be lost as updates. It's got to be the worst feeling seeing things that have been worked on, or amazing updates to weapons or weapon and armor updates just lost or ruined because of the minority being scared of change that is good.

23-Sep-2014 17:35:47

Nov Member 2014


Posts: 61 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Putting a defense requirement on the improved gmaul would pretty much guarantee it would not pass a poll. The only proposals that have any chance at passing are updates that benefit EVERYBODY or at least doesn't shoot down a large percentage of the playerbase. I can't imagine a whole ton of pures voting yes for it after some kind of selfish percentage decided to exclude them from it.

23-Sep-2014 17:38:30 - Last edited on 23-Sep-2014 17:41:18 by TBAC

Ye Im Lucho
Sep Member 2022

Ye Im Lucho

Posts: 78 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Mod Ronan said :

Why not add a new special attack weapon for range?

If you can suggest a quality, balanced special attack then we will certainly consider it.

What About Any kind of Javalines like Morrigans? becuase how i am supposed to hit a guy lvl 105-110 with full Dharok/Torag with Msb (i) ? By the way, I got no shield when i use msb

New Prayer would be good like rigour/aug. that provides 20% range/mage bonus and also some defense bonus

A New Range Ammy , There's already one for melee, one for magic and what about range?

Dragon bolts (e) shouldnt be useless if oponent drinks antifire pot. or when equip Dragonfire shield / Anti-dragon shield.

23-Sep-2014 17:53:50

Jan Member 2024


Posts: 691 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
i would realy like it if you could watch ur friends in this the target system makes it imposible to folo your friend and not get attacked witch is frustrating and the first bounty hunter watch could not let you watch a specific person i would like to select someone name see their targets name and all statistics that come with it including what my friend sees not an overveiw of the battle but wat my friend sees

can we make this posible =) ?

23-Sep-2014 17:54:13

Ye Im Lucho
Sep Member 2022

Ye Im Lucho

Posts: 78 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
iTwisted Bow said :
Ye Im Lucho said :
ITIeep said :
Ye Im Lucho said :
I am a lvl 106
Range Tank
What's the problem with Range ?

Range isnt that "Op" as you guys say, it's not fun anymore to go Pking... Why is that ? Because Void doesnt give that much Def Bonus

"But What about Range Tank Armour?"
What's the poing of pking if i risk more than my oponent? and tbh , Melee Pkers risk untradables most of the time that gives range def bonus too

"What about Armadyl C'Bow?"
It's pretty much a hard decision to make
1) Armadyl Cbow = Bad shield + No Spec Weapon
2) Rune Cbow = Good shield / Spec Weapon (Dark Bow)

"What About Dragon Bolts (e)?"
Dragon Bolts (e) are awesome, but ... What happens when your oponent drinks Antifire Potion Or got Dragonfire shield / Anti Dragon Shield as Shields?
There's no Spec. of the enchanted bolt then... becoming useless

Btw we're talking about Dark Bow... Why not adding more Spec. Weap. for range ? it became boring to use Dark Bow only, and let's be fair ... What's the point risking Dark Bow if your oponnent got a Dragon Dagger as Spec. Weap?

1x Spec + No shield
4x Spec + Shield/Rune Defender

I couldn't agree more, seems like all you guys add nowadays is melee weapons, what about more range weapons? I all up for having handcannon back as a bh reward, we don't have any really good range spec weapons, I really don't feel like risking my acb for 100k from zerkers.

guys Elysian is getting 75% there's your defense. if you have 99 range you tear **** up, I'm 95 and I do.. get void or get armadyl. range is op af lol. however I would like

Yes, ely is getting 75% but i will still risking Armadyl Cbow , becuase rune isnt that op anymore except for pures, By the way, how am i supposed to buy an Ely for tanking

23-Sep-2014 17:57:06

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