[quote id=380-381-101-65483873-194-333241742]I'm going to respond to the main feedback I've seen on this thread so far.
[b]PvP armours[/b]
They have failed numerous times, I would not expect them to be polled again.
It's obvious people want PVP armor and weapons, how about you stop listening to all the people that say no because they're scared they will be overpowered.
I'm tired of only being able to use leaf blade, rune scim, brine, ancient staff, maul, obby maul as a 50 attack pure. I want a melee weapon that hits hard and doesn't require that I risk a bneck. Corrupt vls was the sickest thing for 50 attack pures. I don't see why the dev team let's the minority dictate what Oldschools future will be. what the minority consider OP are things that are needed to move forward and not only give incentive to progress a character, but to just continue playing rs to get these new things that you are letting be lost as updates. It's got to be the worst feeling seeing things that have been worked on, or amazing updates to weapons or weapon and armor updates just lost or ruined because of the minority being scared of change that is good.
23-Sep-2014 17:35:47