
RuneScape Monetisation

Quick find code: 366-367-817-65960268

Mega Duck
Nov Member 2013

Mega Duck

Posts: 3,048 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
"MTX is a major part of the game’s income"

Why can't you just double membership instead? I personally would prefer that and not having the scoreboard's having all the people that buy keys at the top all the time. MTX makes it almost pointless to go for a hiscore after comp.

There are currently over 250 people with 200m exp in all stats and the monthly/weekly hiscores always has someone at the top with an insane amount of exp during promotions.
5.8b exp
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24-Jan-2018 15:13:00

Dan Ace114
Mar Member 2022

Dan Ace114

Posts: 168 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Mega Duck said :
"MTX is a major part of the game’s income"

Why can't you just double membership instead? I personally would prefer that and not having the scoreboard's having all the people that buy keys at the top all the time. MTX makes it almost pointless to go for a hiscore after comp.

There are currently over 250 people with 200m exp in all stats and the monthly/weekly hiscores always has someone at the top with an insane amount of exp during promotions.

The scores are already tainted by TH, removal of TH will not change that. Personally I would quit if they doubled membership and I suspect a lot of other people would too... as well as putting off potential new players.

24-Jan-2018 15:26:18

Exit Wound

Exit Wound

Posts: 435 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Mega Duck said :
"MTX is a major part of the game’s income"

Why can't you just double membership instead? I personally would prefer that and not having the scoreboard's having all the people that buy keys at the top all the time. MTX makes it almost pointless to go for a hiscore after comp.

There are currently over 250 people with 200m exp in all stats and the monthly/weekly hiscores always has someone at the top with an insane amount of exp during promotions.

LOL hell no. runescape is 9.49 a month...doubling it to 18.98 a month is insane. WoW doesnt even charge that

meh i dont care about the highscores so i cant speak on that
"all we are is dust in the wind"

- Kansas

24-Jan-2018 16:26:01



Posts: 523 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Why double? TH is only 22% of net profit, 20% more expensive would be ok, imho.
This is not taking into account jagex is already swimming in cash and could take the hit with no consequences to running operations whatsoever.
R.I.P. rs3 2019.

24-Jan-2018 18:00:02



Posts: 16,955 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Draco Burnz said :
Mega Duck said :
Why can't you just double membership instead?

No support.

Unlike some ppl, i dont believe most of us here have enough to pay nearly 20$/month just for a game :@

Agreed, if jagex isn't going to get rid of treasure hunter, they might as well make RS3 f2p so as many people can enjoy treasure hunter as possible.
Don't forget – RuneScape members get TWO free spins a day instead of the usual one!

24-Jan-2018 22:42:47 - Last edited on 24-Jan-2018 22:43:06 by Miu

Draco Burnz
Dec Member 2011

Draco Burnz

Posts: 79,296 Emerald Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Miu said :
if jagex isn't going to get rid of treasure hunter, they might as well make RS3 f2p so as many people can enjoy treasure hunter as possible.

No support unless you have enough money to pay all their bills ;)

Even then i wouldnt support.

Besides, f2p can enjoy th.
Draco Burnz
Anime Fanatic
Defender of the logical

24-Jan-2018 23:18:08 - Last edited on 24-Jan-2018 23:18:51 by Draco Burnz

Apr Member 2020


Posts: 5,767 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
F2p has enough to be able to enjoy th.

Fletching lamps should be f2p.

Only tell Jagex to raise membership price when they make more content people can enjoy. Until then, they should lower it to interest more potential buyers. Raise the cost of Bonds instead because it's too cheap for the value they can sell for now.

Was $5 for a 7m bond, now it's $6 for a 20m bond,
Your opinions here can affect us all. Please post for the better

Stepping Stone Partyhats
Update the rules , Trade Lock Scammers

25-Jan-2018 05:35:35

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