Mysteria (v3)
Volcanic Chest
support haven't this for a while
Put the Portable Vic Summoning Stone in Treasure Hunter as a reward
I'd like this but Jagex probably doesn't want players who've unlocked all purples to constantly win either a portable vic or 1k proteans or 200m's and stock up vic's.
QOL Ideas
Would be helpful for getting rid of multiples of prizes you don't want support. There should also be a toggle for getting rid of all but one as well. Yeah I'd like TH keybinds as well.
Bring more elite skilling outfits to F2P
Thought the ones that aren't currently f2p don't have much use in f2p though?
Treasure Hunter Interface Skins
Would be a nice TAPP for the TH mods yes support.
Treasure Hunter interaction in a resized window in Legacy Mode
100% support for any Legacy Buffs.
Regarding the 200m Prize
It's fine as it is, you can still win 1k proteans and springs.