continued from above
TH kills the purpose of hiscores, because it's physically impossible to compete with the exp rates provided by TH, by using actual training methods.
TH gives exp without consuming actual resources in the game, meaning that using keys to train skills like prayer, herblore, smithing etc, means that bones, herbs, unf potions, bars etc resources are not used, which results in the said resources losing their value due to decreased demand.
TH also injects more of those resources into the game, because they're used as the "junk" white/yellow prizes, which the key buyers don't bother using, so they dump them to the GE, resulting in those resources losing their value further, due to increased supply as well.
TH, due to having the fastest exp/hour in the entire game, accelerates the rate at which new players have access to certain moneymaking methods that have skill requirements, for example incandescent energy gathering. This results in the said moneymaking methods losing their moneymaking potential faster than is natural.
TH, again due to having the fastest exp/hour in the whole game, allows you to pay to win by being able to buy all your skill levels very quickly, which can be used against other players in PvP, or when competing against other players in slayer, FFA bossing, gathering certain resources etc.
continued again in the next post