The "purple page"? I think you mean the first "page" of the introduction. It is just the cover page and doesn't mean a thing.
You can use oddments to re-roll the prizes. The chance increases with each oddment re-roll while the oddment go down. For instance, I saw 5% chance the first time, but when I re-rolled for 250 oddments the chance increased to 10% and the oddment cost for re-rolling decreased to 125 oddments. Then re-rolled again, the chance increased further to 15% and the oddment cost reduced further to 90 oddments.
That's pretty nice considering we can pick the exact prize we like. However, the trade off is the odds of higher rarity items are reduced now. Even on desktop, we can see the odds of each rarity of gems now. A purple gem used to have a chance of 0.15% (shown on Mobile) but now it is reduced to 0.1%. So we gain the transparency but lose a little love from RNGesus.
23-Jan-2020 19:25:35