^ well, as already stated by me beach and tusks and loads of things have already made your statement of "ironman should get what they want themselves" nul and void.
Again, as already stated, ironman always had access to cosmetics and holiday items and keepsake key overrides and tokens and other overrides.
Furthermore, ironman have already had access to oddments.
Finally, u suggested some nonsense about jagex not making money from allowing ironman oddments all the while claiming u want to keep the integrity of ironman accounts. Make up your mind and stick to it.
All in all, ironman are not special, they are nothings, all accounts are nothings, what's the point in causing hurt and pain and distress about nothing.
I'm unsure if you're sick or if you're and evil genius that enjoys spreading the sickness. Either way, get help.
Beach and tuska and circus and that crab thing were all always available to ironmen. Maybe you signed up ur ironman under false presidents..... I mean, believing that "ironman have to get what they want for themselves".
Ps, ironman were always able to lootshare so....... get it urself certainly doesn't apply. However, phone a friend does apply.
I'm under the impression ironman is an excuse for perverted sick punks to abuse people in the same fashion as mark suckerburg did when he treated Facebook users like guinea pigs and floaded their feed with disturbing content to see if it upset them. I think that's what ironman is a kin to.
Dear God, please send the competition, feels like there ain't any.
I long lost count of the victories, there were just far too many.
19-Feb-2021 05:06:46
- Last edited on
19-Feb-2021 05:17:41
Bel Tiamat