Bought the one time offer 75+75 key promotion but I did not get my extra 75 keys. Yes my paypal thing went through, so it's not a problem there. I just did not receive my 75 bonus keys. Please help!
No, you don't understand. The payment went through, and everything seems fine. Its just that I did not receive my extra keys. I have the original 75 perfectly fine, so I'm assuming that the payment went through normally, so I'm guessing its NOT a payment issue, please let me know if i'm wrong. The link for "Didn't receive my Treasure Hunter Keys" is useless in my case, because it's not a "payment" issue I'm having. I just didn't receive the offer that was promised to me.
It may not be a "payment issue" as you see it, but it is an issue for the Payment Support Team, as you did not receive everything that you paid for.
Ok, thank you for clarifying. I've done some digging around reddit and the other forum posts, and it seems many others have this problem as well. Hopefully this gets resolved soon!