Thank you DieHunted and 1st Uruk Hai for your informations.
I can understand that the mods might not be able to understand what's written in the foreign fansites and thats a limitation to their work with Fansites.
But Jagex has some resources they can use for their advantage in order to solve this language issue.
I do also know that Jagex isn't only played in english. There's also german, french, portuguese and spanish servers, 100% on those languages. And there's also a team of moderators and employed people that do, in fact, speak those languages.
I don't know what kind of support did the other foreign fansites have, but RSPortugal not only had the support of the main fansite jagex mods, but also from some of the brazillian mods who maintain the portuguese servers. Mod Luiz, for example, used to pm me in game to talk about RSPortugal. I think that Mod Luiz and other Portuguese/Brazillian JMods could help out Mod Infinity to check on my Fansite, despite the fact that I'm also able to translate my fansite and contact you in English. And maybe some other foreign language JMods could help Mod Infinity and solve this issue.
This is just my opinion and a suggestion on how to try to solve out this issue.
04-Mar-2014 19:43:52