Something about throwing some random nobody gang from a pair of (admittedly entertaining, well written, and fun to play) remade Signature Heroes quests just doesn't sit right with me.
Something about throwing some random nobody gang from a pair of (admittedly entertaining, well written, and fun to play) remade Signature Heroes quests just doesn't sit right with me.
To be honest, the reference to the Skulls in the Wushanko isles predates the Ozan Double Bill.
^ "Some of those words were
Something about throwing some random nobody gang from a pair of (admittedly entertaining, well written, and fun to play) remade Signature Heroes quests just doesn't sit right with me.
To be honest, the reference to the Skulls in the Wushanko isles predates the Ozan Double Bill.
was going to say that, but I wasnt sure if it was entirely accurate
what I do definitively dislike is how weak the skulls appear to be. level 2. and not a strong level 2, either. the previous quests had you going up against jail guards... and while you didnt technically have to kill any, you did have to survive their hits and they were level 26
I wonder how Khnum became involved with the eastern lands?
well, when you get exiled from your homeland, you could well end up anywhere
Well, with any luck, hopefully we could go to The Skull next year. We'd also get another Desert quest, though it wouldn't involve Ozan. Still, it might be a decent opportunity to connect both stories.
Something about throwing some random nobody gang from a pair of (admittedly entertaining, well written, and fun to play) remade Signature Heroes quests just doesn't sit right with me.
To be honest, the reference to the Skulls in the Wushanko isles predates the Ozan Double Bill.
was going to say that, but I wasnt sure if it was entirely accurate
what I do definitively dislike is how weak the skulls appear to be. level 2. and not a strong level 2, either. the previous quests had you going up against jail guards... and while you didnt technically have to kill any, you did have to survive their hits and they were level 26
that just makes the skulls look really weak
It was aimed at a lower level than the original Prince Ali Rescue was, iirc.
Dangit, I was writing fic that had Lady Keli/Amascut was running the Brimhaven wing of the Black Arm Gang, when the Skulls would have been a better choice and were right there, probably running at least some of their business out of Menaphos. Admittedly, this was based of some unsupported speculation on the unofficial wiki about pre-
Prince Ali Rescue
dialogue that can never be verified that supposedly implied Lady Keli and Lady Katrine were sisters.
Unless I can be bothered to move my character beyond Tutorial Island on Oldscape, I suppose.
[One convoluted bad*ic later...]
Well, the Ozan quests say that she only hired the Skulls (and was cheap about it too), and that was the deepest their association went.
Anyhow, how many gangs are there now? We got the Black Arms, the Phoenix, the Skulls, Rabid Jack's crew, the Menaphite Thugs, the desert Bandits, the wilderness bandits, and maybe the Death Lotus and the Thieves' Guild count?
Humility is self-destruction, pride is the destruction of all else.
And He said, "