Ah but there's the thing. In Meeting History, the very Quest where we supposedly gave Seren hope and kept Guthix from driving her off, we clearly changed the future of the family. Overall, however, the course of history barely altered. This would mean that 'before' we traveled back in time to cause our actions in the past, something else managed to divert our timeline from the DoD path so that we could exist in the first place (because again, we changed time in this quest), and this thing could not have known of events in our changed timeline since we'd not come to create it until after it set the original timeline's path. And as all of the later 'loops' take place and are dependent on this one, all the new information in them about the future is dependent on that first loop as well.
As for the essence bit: Tuska is dead, yet her essence powers the World Window that we use to travel to Mazcab. Guthix is dead, but we have an entire skill dedicated to gathering his essence mixed with anima.
Beyond that the only source we have of him seeing Seren shatter states that he wept and believed she was gone. Admittedly conjecture on the witness's part, but we have no reason to think he believed anything to the contrary, because, again, even he couldn't hypothesize a way for Seren to be restored fully if she could be restored at all.
Also, let's not forget that Seren herself was convinced the act would kill her:
From Acceptence:
Seren: I accept now that even divine beings can die, and that my time has come. At least I go knowing that the harm I have caused this gentle people can and will eventually be undone, and that my death will not lead to theirs.
22-Feb-2018 00:53:52
- Last edited on
22-Feb-2018 01:03:29