Sorry to be a killjoy, but I have some concerns about how Jagex have been referencing these community jokes in the game. As far as I can tell, Azzanadra is not the only one who has been affected by what goes on in the RuneScape community, as can be seen when talking to Pauline Polaris in Dimension of Disaster as all your chat options are rude or sarcastic. This clearly references how unpopular Livid Farm is among the playerbase, but I see no reason for my character to have a grudge against Pauline that would cause her to act this way. Granted, DoD probably isn’t the best example given its humorous nature, but I am concerned that this trend will spread to more serious storylines. To an extent, this may have already happened as I believe Sliske’s characterisation was affected by the community’s reaction to the face he made before killing Guthix, changing him into a more campy character.
This particular joke has been used in two consecutive pieces of content involving Azzanadra and I have seen several J-Mods referencing it outside of the game as well. I am worried that these types of jokes and attitudes within the community will affect the quality of the storytelling – imagine if Guthix had been inspired by RuneScape Gods Exposed. I might be worrying too much, but if this gets out of hand the gnome finale could be littered with gnome child references.
Sorry to derail the thread, but please tell me I’m not the only one to have noticed this trend.
03-Oct-2015 01:50:22