Azzanadra is disappointed that you only eat Saradominist, Guthixian, and Zamorakian biscuits instead of Zarosian biscuits.
What's the most convincing ship in the game?
Azzanadra is dissapointed that you learned how to craft an armadyl rune but not a zaros rune
On that note, Azzanadra is dissapointed that you can cast the storm of armadyl (or in 07scape also, claws of guthix, saradomin strike and flames of zamorak) and not a storm of zaros/ claws of zaros/ strike of zaros/ flames of zaros
28-Apr-2014 08:02:28
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28-Apr-2014 08:04:13
Azzanadra is disappointed that you sheared the sheep in Sheep Shearer and gave the 20 balls of wool to the farmer rather than to Zaros, in order to weave a Woolen Simulacrum.
The original Wise Old Man