Miss Malice
Ancient Drew
Azzanadra is disappointed that nobody can make Zaros runes.
As runes are the essence of Elder Gods, he is dissapointed with this reminder Zaros isnt an elder god.
Oh that will change. And Azzanadra will be one happy dude when that happens.
Prepare for hell on RuneScape in
Naval Cataclysm!
Miss Malice
Good, Azzy happy makes me happy.
But he would be disappointed if I told him he has Sliske to thank for his release from Jaldroach*.
He already knows that.
He wouldn't have minded about it before Zaros excommunicated Sliske. Now he just doesn't care.
Prepare for hell on RuneScape in
Naval Cataclysm!
Maiden China
are you talking about ravolo or spoilers from ks? (havnt done that one yet)
Azzanadra is disappointed that you haven't. Get right to it!
Joke apart, yes, it's something from KS. From page 131:
Azzanadra is disappointed that Sliske stole his catchphrase.
(Do the new quest first if you don't get it.)
When this suddenly makes sense to you, you have found what the others were talking about. Good luck!
The Green World Guardian of Guthix and of Gielinor
Ancient Drew
Azzanadra is disappointed that Brassicans don't grow any purple cabbages.
I think it's more that they're Brassicans in the first place instead of being Zarosians.
The Green World Guardian of Guthix and of Gielinor