Even with all of these comparisons however, it must be noted that the player's attack speed is much much higher, making damage output over time significantly higher in our favour. Even Icthlarin, a Tier 6 God, was doing damage around the 10K mark in Nomad's Elegy with a VERY slow attack speed. Granted this probably would have been higher if the creatures he was attacking had more HP.
In MPD, Icthlarin repels the dragonkin fire with a shield, which he admits he cannot hold for long. Yet the magical powers of the QBD are said to be similar to that of the Dragonkin, which we can easily stand against for short periods of time as well. An obvious counter point to this, however, is that the Kin have long been gaining power since the QBD was created. The Kin are very powerful now, but it might still be possible for a non-divine being to kill them. Clearly Sliske has shown to be more powerful then some of them.
All of this goes to show that the power (by definition 1) of the player has climbed to the heights to rival that of the demigods (Tier 6) and perhaps even creeping up on Tier 5.
Now this would not be particularly helpful to stand up to the gods since the majority of them have different forms of godly magic at their disposal. Creating portals, manipulation of mortals, shrinking and growing their size are things that would ultimately lead to our defeat if Guthix had not made us World Guardian. As a result of this power bestowed on us, the player is not just immune to divine magic, but can now stand toe to toe with the weaker gods due to our own accumulation of immense power.
Azzanad*a even remarks on this himself after FOTG:
"But I'm not entirely sure you are human anymore. No, you are something else now."
We know we are not ever capable of becoming a god, but we have transcended all other mortal races in our accumulation of power. We are no longer human, and thus are no longer constrained by the physical and magical limitations of humans.
23-Feb-2016 05:01:48
- Last edited on
23-Feb-2016 05:33:11
Deux Faces