@ Mod Raven
First off, a lot of this novel-exclusive information, so it could always be contradicted by the game and thereby overwritten in canon, but it's pretty core to the history of Jerrod's character and there currently isn't really any reason to retcon it.
Jerrod is pretty limited in where he can go. He's too scared to return to Morytania (at least without the company of some of Zamorak's most powerful followers) because Tenebra threatened to torture him for years on end as punishment for killing the wyrd. Tenebra is dead now, but Jerrod was completely in the dark regarding the identity of his master. The only thing that he knows is that it was not Lowerniel. Even if he were to be given information regarding the inner workings of Darkmeyer, which he's clearly ignorant about, Vanescula would be the most plausible option (which is ironic because she's the one who tricked him into killing the wyrd) and she's still very much alive. So that rules Morytania out as a permanent place of residence. In addition to that, it's not exactly pleasant there and his kin are now free to cross the Salve, so there's not much reason for him to return of his own volition anyway.
The strength of the pack is the wolf and the strength of the wolf is the pack.
02-Dec-2016 19:03:55
- Last edited on
02-Dec-2016 19:08:48
Chaos Lupus