Friends, another song for the coming thread:
The Song of Lamanda, Sorceress of Lesarkus
or, The End of Circleblade Bog
Come forth, I pray, good spirits old,
For tidings grim have I been told:
Before the sun is set tonight,
The ogrish horde will come to fight,
To pierce the thick forfending fog
And burn away the circling bog.
My lords, prepare thyselves to save,
For shamans seek to you enslave -
Some dozens now, behind them more,
With plans to compass sacred shore.
Take no offense with me, I ask,
For taking on myself the task -
To enter ancient holy ground
For centuries in song renowned.
I would not see you spirits pressed
To serve at enemy's behest,
But bid you fight or hide or flee.
And if it's pleasing also see,
Your servant sent by safer path,
For of the bog I've borne the wrath;
I kneel here now but limp and bleed
And to survive your aid shall need.
And please excuse one last request,
If ye would put my heart to rest:
For all my life the songs have told
Of spirits locked in contest old
But none revealing for what sake
You twain do battle o'er the lake;
That I might know the reason why,
And why from us you're ever shy,
And so to show that here I came,
That I might know from each thy name.
27-Nov-2016 19:32:06
- Last edited on
27-Nov-2016 19:32:29