I believe the theory presented leaves room for Jermyn to exist in the last cycle and Marimbo to exist in this one. You have to realize that Xau-Tak exists outside of space time. You cant think of him as linear. In this theory, he pulls creatures from the last cycle, into the current cycle. In the journals, the Mwanu are taken from their world into a completely new one and possibly a new age as well. If the Mwanu are indeed the dragonkin, and the apes of the jungle followed them, this would include Marimbo.
"The book also says " So demands Tezcasathla. His price for raising up the mwanu above the lesser species, the apes and monkeys that infest the jungles of Jermyn." So, if the Mwanu lived in Jermyn first, or are native. They are also ape-like creatures, which in the end, they devolved into horrors." These are assumptions you are making. The mwanu are never directly referred to as ape-like in appearance. Hell, no description of them is ever made. Only the horrors are ever called ape-like.
Remember during Kindred Spirits when we all assumed the master could not be Jas because the voice never used the actual name for the elder artifacts? Using staff and stone instead of siphon and catalyst? Similar thing here. You're assuming it cant be the dragonkin because in 2 of the 5 journals the authors are observing the horrors (NOTE: They never refer to them as mwanu.) Because coming right out and saying these specific things take too much out of the mystery.
I have seen the dark universe yawning, where the black planets roll without aim;
Where they roll in their horror unheeded, without knowledge or lustre or name.
21-Mar-2018 15:37:46
- Last edited on
21-Mar-2018 15:38:30
Uncle Harper