The Mwanu claim that their superiority to the apes and monkeys comes from the gifts Tezcasathla gave them. These gifts were:
Tezcasathla's blood.
Spears and Axes.
Now I don't know about you, but I'd suspect any creation myth of the Dragonkin that details gifts bestowed upon their race that make them superior to apes/monkeys to include:
Their fire breath.
Their ability to fly.
This theory also doesn't address how the dragonkin were bound to Jas's stone, since Jermyn would need to be from a prior revision (given what we know of Dragonkin HIstory), while Jas would have already been asleep by the time the Mwanu were brought to Gielinor.
Meanwhile, on the Mwanu = Horrors side, we have:
The central Horror god being the same as the singular Mwanu god indicating that the Horror religion developed from the Mwanu religion.
The journals explicitly written by Mwanu in the possession of Horrors with but one exception (which was in the possession of a guy who had lugged around a skull the cave horrors apparently found sacred-ish (they made their masks in its image).
The Horrors being ape-like, which (given that the Tezcasathla was a creation myth that Xau-Tak later impersonated) is a form that we know could arise on Jermyn as per the existence of apes and monkeys (likely having evolved alongside them from a common ancestor).
The Mwanu emerging on a tropical island like those of the Eastern Sea where Horrors are found.
There's also the issue of the Dragonkin already having a name for themselves in their native language Drakkerkin (not Mwanu) and the murals referring to Kranon, Roakin, and Skekkin (no Mwanu). The murals also depict Dragonkin being taken by black hands (whereas the Mwanu were only beckoned).
20-Mar-2018 19:42:46
- Last edited on
20-Mar-2018 19:44:05