Yes guthix was in pain, but according to this entry he was apparently just using seren's effect like a drug for his depression? I'm sorry to whatever mod wrote that but that is entirely wrong. We've talked to guthix himself who said he cares for seren and that it would destroy him to make her leave. Heck there are parts in the game where it said he broke down completely after seeing her shatter. This hardly sounds like someone who didnt really care, who was just lying to her the entire time and who apparently had brushed off all feelings for her when it came to making her leave. Its direct contradiction, EVERYONE knows he really did care for her. Heck thats not even going into the point being the source of the world guardians power he was IMMUNE to serens effect much like how we are
And the edicts one, well thats completely incorrect too. Its stated he was asleep the entire time the gods where doing their stuff, he only ever woke up when the nuke happened. And he wasnt keeping an eye on the mortals in his sleep, in the edicts echo in the normal memorial he says when he woke up from being burned by the nuke he didnt know about the people watching over his body, or anything about them. And in that same echo entry it says "i returned to a world on fire and i was forced to take action, the gods had to end". Its clearly stated it was HERE he kicked the gods off the world right after he woke up (and again he knew nothing of the current world at this point), and that he did so because of the damage the gods did to the world
However you look at it, there are clear problems with whatever this mod wrote. I do feel like they didnt know what they where doing or didnt know previous lore
11-Jun-2018 23:19:30