It would make the lore *really* messy.
1) How did Tumeken get off Freneskae? To be honest, it's not as big a problem as everyone else thinks. Freneskae has a great deal of divine power, he could've become a god any number of ways. However, it would not be easy - there are no elder artifacts, and the only sources of power would be other children of Mah and muspah.
2) However, it also means that Tumeken would have been made after Zaros, yet somehow arriving at Gielinor before Zaros, even though he ascended to Godhood. Kinda wonky, unless he was made before Zaros or Seren. That also seems kinda weird, as wouldn't Seren or Zaros have found evidence of his presence? It doesn't necessarily has to be like that, but still. Funky.
3) If Tumeken was a Child of Mah, Zaros would've known, and so would the other Mahjarrat. Auras, man. Instead, Zaros treats Tumeken almost like nothing. I suppose he does just treat everyone like that, though.
4) It also eliminates the primary reason the Mahjarrat betrayed Tumeken, that they're more like Zaros than the Desert Gods. Then again, the mahjarrat could just be traitorous no-good power-hungry villains like I say they are.
5) There are reports of Tumeken and Temekel being in the same place at the same time. However, Tumeken has been known to make projections, as has Saradomin, so I guess that's not really conclusive.
So it does make some things easier to explain, but it wrecks way more things. I say it's unlikely.
^ "Some of those words were
" - Mod Raven
23-Nov-2016 03:52:36
- Last edited on
23-Nov-2016 03:53:21
Captain Lime