I hope to high heaven that Elidinis is not the queen of ashes, that would be so lame and lacking in creativity.
I really liked the story, fiction or no, for it shows that Elidinis has a complicated character, one who is proud, but caring. Compassionate and wrathful. Also, why is everyone ignoring how horrorifying it is that the spiders killed their young considered "unfit"? They are a sentient species practicing the worst form of eugenics, akin to genocide. While real life spiders might be heartless, remember that real spiders do not possess higher reasoning, these ones do and yet still thought killing off their young, who are innocent, as acceptable.
I do not say all of that to defend Elidinis' punishment, but it does capture that she hates the abuse of children and cares most for their futures.
In fact, Elidinis was cruel (although arguablely an equal exchange) to slaughter the spiders when learning how perverse they were, she could have taught them better, but instead she opted for divine retribution instead of divine instruction/revelation.
05-Jul-2017 15:19:02