Man, I've been jonesin' for some Runescape lore in my life. Is anyone still around? I had a couple of ideas, but I'm not sure if there are nearly enough people around to sustain them.
1. D&D: Runescape edition! Perhaps I'm the only one, but I think it could be pretty neato to get onto some offsite chat, roll up some characters, and try to run a regular game. I know a lot of lorehounds have their own headcanons and their own quest ideas - it would be neat to try to set something up to let us actually 'play through' some of those - with the power of imagination (lol)! Full disclosure - I can count on one hand the number of times I've played table-top RPGs, and would probably need someone else to DM, and also would probably suck at it - but what do rules matter if you're doing cool for fun?
2. Quest competition! A lot of folks have cool story (bro) ideas. Might be fun to, say, come up with a theme, start a forum thread, and have all competitors submit a quest synopsis with a maximum size of X posts. Select judges, setup criteria on which to judge them - characters, plot, style, lore relevance, etc. Winner gets, I don't know, a bond? Or maybe something a little silly and more thematically relevant, like a new top-of-the-line home study and a lifetime papyrus supply?
06-Oct-2017 07:38:16