In the hidden Temple of the Unaligned, Lord Ere* Lapuce* walks across the balcony of his person chamber. He is holding a glass of '07 vintage wine, and is wearing a very evil-looking cape.
"Those fools... little do they realize who the true mastermind is. I have deceived them until now with my little act, and no one yet suspects me. All I had to do was softly pull the strings, and watch the games play out to their inevitability. Now... it is the final stage... it is the quiet before the swarm, and I will strike once again shortly. All I must do is bring up the 'rules' as I have done many times before, and the chaos will again follow.
Soon... soon... the Unaligned will triumph!
I'm too Unaligned to have a forum signature.
11-Jul-2016 00:06:22