What sort of "Ritual" was the Ritual of Rejuvenation? Is it simply the act of a mahjarrat dying near the Ritual Marker, or is there much more to it? Did it take more than one mahjarrat to perform, or could a mahjarrat do it alone?
Axel Vekon, the Eternal Emperor, the Archmage, the Lichslayer, of the Holy Kandarin Empire.
How did Tumeken elevate his chosen children? He made animals into demigods. Could Saradomin or Armadyl have made their children or spouses into gods or demigods as well?
Brent Corrigan is actually my fav but his name was too long
Forgot to ask, will we see more examples of when Armadyl used the Staff of Armadyl in the past? Every time we have seen or heard about it, it seems to have been used by anyone and everyone other than Armadyl.
I was wondering whether Xau-Tak was a bacteria/virus/parasite god. If not, are there any gods that are?
Prepare for hell on RuneScape in
Naval Cataclysm!