Lego Miester
Instead of 5th age first and work to 6th quest when we play in our new account. We can go 6th age to 5th age quest or 5th age to 5th age and go to 6th age.
It is pretty stupid but I don't know what could be done about it. As another example, you'll almost certainly stumble across Bandos' decapitated head near Falador before you play The Chosen Commander.
This is something I want to bother the mods about. Bandos's head could easily be covered up in an instance of some sort. Just have the Goblin NPC sleeping or something, and have his head appear as a column or boulder or something for people who haven't met the req. for the Mighty Fall.
WE in general honestly should be made repeating. Just repeating seasonal content- at least that way so new players can get access to dialogue and lore.
"We call it being a hero"
"That's interesting, we call it utter stupidity"