The lore section was very interesting, thing that caught my attention the most was the cosmology section. Especially so infact because i actually made that picture of the universe they showed, a really unexpected surprise to see it used in official lore! Thing is though i made that over a year ago and there's been quite a bit more new information since then so i wouldn't call that image the most up to date. Infact after checking out this information more carefully i may make an updated version
The rune and elemental thing was interesting, thats something i never thought of before (outside the fact theres 4 paths). But the rest of it i have to admit doesnt make much sense right now. I used the information from ingame at the time to determine theres the lower worlds with terrible balance, the 4 elemental paths with themed worlds but still unbalanced, and the higher planes with good balance for high anima production. It was this premise that helped me determine how far up each planet is in the universal path. But jagex seems to be mixing it up in ways that dont make sense. For instance i placed new domina (now renamed hallow) on the wen path because its stated to be mostly water with little land. And it was low down because being so close to the sun and how half the planet freeezes cus of its VERY long nights it was unbalanced, but they called it a higher plane. Then with yubuisk i called it a higher plane because ingame footage from before it became toxic shows it was FULL of lush plants and life. But they called it a low elemental plane, i suspect they're ranking it on only what it is now, not what it was
I'll have to watch the vid very carefully again and maybe try to get in touch with raven but atm it makes less sense than it did before. Still i am very much interested in making a new picture and FINALLY drawing up the definitive image of RS
Btw any questions on my pic, i'd be happy to talk you through my reasonings for how i made it
24-Sep-2017 14:21:59