I'm actually against giving players the ability to change past decisions because of the technical side of things more than anything else. Jagex has begun to make decisions made in 6th age content matter when it comes to later additions to the storyline, locking off some paths in quests entirely based on choices you made in earlier quests.
As such, you can't simply change the events of one quest in isolation. Any change you make has to be checked against your other choices to see if you'd still be able to have done them (and all changes that need to be made in order to accommodate your first change would also have to be checked for compatibility with your other choices.
It just seems far easier to allow players to replay quests with their first play through as canon, while subsequent play throughs can let you set the relevant past decisions to whatever you want before you start so you can see the differences.
01-Oct-2017 23:13:54