39) I think he was from Ardougne...that's all...
40) a metallurgist in the early 5th age; his assistant died in his lab, which he then sealed
41) 4 - Saradomin, Tuska, Skargaroth, and Guthix if we can count him - only Skargaroth died during that conflict. Tuska and Guthix have died since.
42) -
43) good, cannot remember, bad
44) Thamarron destroy Uzer; Balfrug Kreeyath destroyed Ullek; and some ripper demons destroyed the town where Mort'ton stands today - I cannot remember other names.
45) near Taverly, because the Falador wasn't keen on another order of knights in Asgarnia
46) Hopespear received a message from Bandos that ended the battle upon the Plain of Mud; I cannot remember the roles of the other two.
47) some sort of demon or demon-like creature from Bordanzan, trapped in stone near Keldagrim; he was defeated the first time by trapping him within the stone
48) -
49) to do away with worship, to create beings who did not need to worship; now Ocellus wants his creations to worship him
50) friendly; his kingdom in the east collapsed, presumeably due to the invasion of Hazeel and Khazard, as well as from raiding goblins as they fled genocide in the Feldip Hills at the hands of the ogres
51) -
52) monarchy, consortium, aristocracy? I haven't attended to dwarven lore in ages.
53) I think following the backlash against Zamorakians in the wake of the burning of the first Wizards' Tower. I think the Varrock Museum has a piece on this.
54) They worship many, Guthix and Armadyl included, if the old lore is still correct, as well as various local spirits.
55) They wanted to maintain their nomadic way of life, and a blood feud?
56) They've got big, strange-looking, tall-standing altars, and their religious rites sometimes involve necromancy.
57) goblins and gnomes; the gnomes won using illusion magic
58) for their chant - by the Naragi?
59) Witches could be safe there?
60) Skinweavers are healers; worldbearers carry things;
61) -