What a glorious and remarkable mistake that I am about to post. I've finished the Unabridged Exam, and I doubt it's going to fit in just a few posts.
Time spent studying: Two days-ish.
Time spent in exam: Four hours? Five? Five and thirty minutes?
1) Each age is approximately 4000 years long, with the exceptions being the 2nd and 4th ages spanning 2000, and the 5th stopping short of 170. The Sixth is currently 4 years going into 5.
2) Our calendar overlaps closely with the ingame calendar, with the months being spaced differently. Wintumber, Raktuber, and Ire of Phyry are my favorites.
3) Tzhaar, Elves, Humans, Demons, Mahjarrat, Centaurs.
4) (If we're counting Edgeville as a Zarosian fort, then Edgeville,) Avarrocka, Falador, Lumbridge, Gunnarsgrunn, Edgeville.
5) I'll take a pass, I only remember the Fitzharmons.
6) The Dreaded Years of Tragedy play into the history of Ardougne and its outpost, which culminated into a battle that ended with only two survivors. One of these becoming the first king.
7) The rivers Lum, Elid, Salve, Dougne. Can't think of any other rivers with names, does the Noumenon count?
8) The werewolves host a festival to Zamorak that we've never gotten much information on, much to Chaos Lupus' chagrin. Of course, who can forget Healthorg the Great Day? I'm amazing, after all. As well, technically speaking, the celebration for Guthix is a holiday unique to Gielinor.
(Even more technically, the celebration of fire is unique enough given the circumstances - the Fallen Nihil's arrival and the Queen of Ashes' interest.)
9) The Book of Light is a text praising Saradomin. The Ancient Hymnal is full of prayers/curses based on Zarosian religion. (I'm not sure if this does/does not count, given the prayer books are similar, if lacking in power.) Grasping for straws, there's also the one Saradominist prayer book that cures your poison once used.
10) Knowing some of the citizens, probably flat. But no source, so no points.