Been away but since people keep seeming to ask even though i said this wasnt the topic of this discussion, the mods where asked like 2 or so runefests ago which is the canon story, rs3 or osrs. Their answer was both, saying that they're the same lore and story just told slightly differently. Most people take this as some kind of timeline split at the point of guthix's death but i personally dont believe the games should be separated like they are, i'd like to see both worlds combined. However the point still stands, even with the timeline split it still means that the lore and story is exactly the same upto a good portion through the 5th age, ie when the player starts up
So it IS the same world and lore (for the most part atleast), the fact they use the same lore base and osrs sets up events in rs3 when they do content is proof, like the ogre pools being built and the mahjarat statue for rotm. Heck just look at prif, they could have done something completely different but they made virtually the same quest, with people in the same places. As its been said, osrs prif is the ground level, we have the upper city. The ground level still exists in rs3 but we just dont use it
Further more like its been said, zeah WOULD exist in rs3, we just havnt been there yet, doesnt mean its not there. And as for anachronia, like hgouh said kerapac used the needle to shift the whole area back in time, to before the 1st age actually. Thats why its so different. Heck its called "the land out of time" and ingame keeps saying "this place is from another time", not to mention kerapac went there RIGHT after getting the time travel artifact. So rs3 is the island in the past, while osrs is infact the present day island
So can we lay that to rest now. This thread is to discuss who or what these 2 gods are, not a childish rivalry between the 2 games when its clear as day the 2 games are the same world built from the same lore
25-Aug-2019 03:10:52
- Last edited on
25-Aug-2019 03:12:23
Gamez X