Yes. MPD, and probably tww for starters. Then I'd do any to catch up right before the next in the series is released. (for ex. I'd do the elf series over a bit to remember some details).
"We call it being a hero"
Yes I'd like to refresh my memory from time to time. Also I find quests more fun than anything else in fame so for sure. There would be some I would not replay and I'd expect some way to not spend loads on food and armour etc in some cases.
I am not sure I want a replay option though because the minute that comes out they can justify reducing the number of quests we get a year and it's already dire enough. The fact quests are not repeatable is why we need many quests in a year.
I am not sure I want a replay option though because the minute that comes out they can justify reducing the number of quests we get a year and it's already dire enough. The fact quests are not repeatable is why we need many quests in a year.
I would actually think the opposite.
With quests being replayable- they go from a one-time only event, to occurring multiple times and keeping players who are devoted to quests more interested because they have better options with how to spend their time. So instead of spending all the resources for a piece of content that gets played once per player, its used more and its more worthwhile to create. That, and I don't think replaying old content is a substitute for new content.
I see your point though. I think it'd be interesting to see what Jmods think.
"We call it being a hero"
I'm not a fan of most people's version of Runescape guides or 'let's plays'. Most people speed through the dialogue without a thought or play weird music during the boss fights to make themselves seem like pros.
"We call it being a hero"
Although I would gladly replay quests for lore content, I just don't think quests in their current form are suitable to be replayed.
Unlike the Fremmy sagas which is basically dungeoneering, quests are just a whole bunch of dialogue, running around, and occasional not so great puzzles (with very rare exceptions). The only redeeming replayable content is the combat, but we have Dominion's Tower for that.
I'm too Unaligned to have a forum signature.
Some, yes.
-Darkness of Hallowvale
-Legacy of Seergaze
-Branches of Darkmeyer
-While Guthix Sleeps
-Ritual of the Mahjarrat
-The World Wakes
-Missing, Presumed Death