
Extinction thoughts.

Quick find code: 341-342-427-66250115



Posts: 4,506 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
So there was a lot of good in this quest but also a lot of points where it failed. These are my thoughts and feel free to share your own.

The bad:
1) The combat difficulty. Everything was stupidly easy except for the last fight which killed me once because I went into it with no food after everything else was so damn easy I didn't expect to even need food. These are the generals of the Elder Gods making their final push, at least make it one of the toughest quests if not the toughest.

2) The Shadow Leviathan(s?). So these guys are not Vos or Xau-Tak which means they are probably not the main threat of Erebus, and there are multiple of them, and they took Jas out in one hit, the strongest Elder God from the previous cycle. So in one quest we went from doing everything in our power to stop the Elder Gods from ctrl-alt-deleting our planet to having 3 malnourished elder gods and several predators that make them look like a joke. When the old threat could think you out of existence something that can do the same to them doesn't change anything as we need to resolve every conflict via negotiation or we die so having some uber shadow squids show up out of nowhere that just want to eat everything just feels lame.

3) Jas. The Elder God with time powers. As in she can go back in time, and maybe forward too. She died to a sneak attack. With the shadow energy everywhere around the eggs she should have been cautious and ready to use her powers. Being the victim of a sneak attack is poor writing. At least make it clear she was desperate to save the eggs because she felt the shadow anima was a threat to them to explain her poor judgement. As it was the way she went out makes 0 sense with her powers.

04-Apr-2022 17:39:26



Posts: 4,506 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
4) Oh wow another npc betrayed us, and a Zamorakian too. This is getting kinda old where we constantly get betrayed by npcs that were obviously not trustworthy. Like spymasters or chaotic-stupid aligned Zamorakians. Please switch this up in the future. Give us some trustworthy npcs or write the player character to have an iq high enough to dress themselves for the love of god.

5) The still images. That is fine for some of the less important stuff or stuff that would be super expensive that you don't have models for. Jas has a model though and a pretty dope one. There really should have been an investment made to show her finale with as high impact as possible.

6) GWD3 being just a memory now. Scrotus could have regrown (Arma doing the work a t2 god couldn't do in like an hour because he thought to use fire is ridiculous), Zuk would have staid once he was freed, The arch-glacors environment could be changed to its homeworld, and Kerapac could be a time echo now or something from all the times he looped himself with the needle creating an issue with time itself. It feels stupid getting drops from a memory that then exist in present day.

7) 200k resources to start the post quest content is bs. We need to wait like 11 days to build up enough resources again to do anything. Hopefully the stories turn out to be awesome.

8) Seren. She really should have gotten eaten by the Elder Gods. She was right that killing babies is wrong but sacrificing a planet to do it was super uncool of her. She really needs to get some kind of consequence for going totally off the deep-end. I figure that will probably come in a future quest when she tries to ground the baby elder gods and they hopefully eat her or rip her apart or she has to feed them her own anima so they don't starve or something but I want it on the record I'm upset she's alive.

04-Apr-2022 17:39:31 - Last edited on 05-Apr-2022 04:59:07 by Jakir



Posts: 4,506 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The good:
1) The last stand. It felt really urgent to reinforce the 4 fronts. If the fights were not a total joke that didn't require any healing at all then that would have been a great section of the quest.

2) Kerapac. Being chased by him and convincing him to side with us and his eventual revenge against Jas was amazing. It was everything I hoped for. I wish we could have freed him of his curses though. Poor dude had a horrible several thousand years before his death.

3) Exploring Erebus. The puzzle was fun and the environment felt perfect for Erebus. Again it just stinks there are now Elder God one-shotting shadow squids as the main threat (other than Xau and Vos).

4) Searching for Seren. That was fun and well written and I liked the dynamic our team had. I also loved Moia flirting with Saradomin's daughter all the time. That was cute.

6.5/10 but only because the bad parts were really bad. The good parts were awesome. Hopefully the quest might get touched up a bit. Just adding a cutscene of Jas believably dying and buffing some stats and a few lines of dialogue about gwd3 and how it still exists would make a huge difference. Also maybe make the shadow leviathan not a thing there is an ocean full of. It is bordering on amulet of instant kill the dragonkin level obnoxious.

04-Apr-2022 17:39:34 - Last edited on 04-Apr-2022 17:59:47 by Jakir



Posts: 1,105 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Oh so Seren DID become an elder goddess of kinds, after all these years? My what where are those scrolls i tossed around eon ago now, my my~

ps what about her empty promiser brother? did he finally fade completely as expected?
psps see i just happensed to passer by here and there and thru login i saw some edgy background images of serene being with arms tattooed with jastone quartuple or whatever geological figurinos n mi clear as crystal brainless cells sparked conclusions for above pavements

04-Apr-2022 18:43:59 - Last edited on 04-Apr-2022 18:46:35 by Edcy



Posts: 84 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
"Yo Daniel, new grandmaster quest, I know you quit, but return just to check it out?"

I'm glad I used a bond instead of paying for this.

What on Earth were they thinking?

So, this quest is it, the final batt- oh, nvm 2d image has appeared and killed the Elder God....
The entity that has been teased since (from what I can remember) 2006, was killed in a PowerPoint....

Also that phase 3 of the fight is unreasonable, given the ease of the other two phases, either make it one whole good fight, or not at all, don't just throw nonsense out in the last phase... I also actually prefer to... you know... fight the boss, in a boss fight.

The World Guardian needs to be able to fight Gods, or just remove the ability altogether, whenever I hear Jagex say the WG can't fight a God, it's nonsense, we're full of Shadow anima, it's toxic to normal Anima, if it can Kill Jas, I think Seren is well within our scope, just stop it with the excuses. You can't show us one thing, then claim the opposite.

07-Apr-2022 19:56:24

Jul Member 2013


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Years of loyalty and service wasted!

Guess i shouldn't be surprised, following Zamorak was always as i considered a path to obious disappointment.
Sure the Zarosian have the same, but atleast Azzy is trying to make amends for it and he takes it over form Zaros leadership. And they didn't left us to die unceremonly..

Then there is Seren and Sliske as well... But i'll leave for others say their piece about it.

I wished atleast they brought up the choices and alliances i made during my time with them.
Jagex goes back on their words (making your own choices and decisions to change the course of the 6age), should have just made the WG neutral from the begining at the start of the series.

I'm not mad, just disappointed at how poor and bland it was done. At least give us some proper post quest dialogue at the end of this disaster.

Still, i'm kinda more surprised at Zamorak's plans, taking over world, figured he would just focus on destroying Saradomin, Armadyl and Seren as well as searching for more power and artefacts, at the end just leave Gielinor to it's own and all.

Regardless, i'm planning to stay with the Zamorakians regardless of what happend.
Who knows how the next quest is gonna deal with it.

End rant.
"If you believe you can distance yourself from the harm you cause, you're deluding yourself. You're not some mindless tool. You're accountable. Your actions will catch up with you eventually." -Jedi Master Jun Seros; Swtor Bounty Hunter storyline.

09-Apr-2022 12:00:29

Mel 624
Dec Member 2021

Mel 624

Posts: 744 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
At this point it feels like it's only a matter of time until Saradomin and Armadyl either die or betray the player as well. Restore balance in all the worst ways by disappointing everyone equally no matter what faction they aligned with.

Giving players the option to pick sides in the first place was probably never going to end well but the way things are going seems especially incompatible with that setup. Maybe if they refocused on people inspiring their philosophies from a god without necessarily following them or agreeing with their application of it, things could get back to a point where all the options still make sense no matter what the associated gods end up doing. The ones for dead gods already have to do something to that effect to stay relevant.
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10-Apr-2022 19:51:02

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