The major issue is that Xau-Tak somehow preordained our very existence. What kind of god can have that degree of premonition or even have that ability to see that far into the future? Unless Xau-Tak has artifacts - which in itself is horrifying - they already know what's going to happen.
Another thing that doesn't stick right with me is that it isn't specifically stated whether or not Xau-Tak was ejected from Gielinor by the Edicts. Xau-Tak obviously existed before the Edicts were put in place, and its influence has been felt throughout the years. How did it remain on Gielinor if the Edicts were put into place?
My theory is that, considering its affinity for the dead and necromancy.. it may have actually chosen to either kill itself and have itself be resurrected by its 'followers, or to fall into some sort of deathly slumber, remaining on the brink of life and death. Or perhaps it's in some sort of limbo where it's neither alive nor dead, such as with Lovecraftian beings.
If the former were true, then perhaps in its dreams did it have the premonition of the Player's existence. But how would it have put into play whatever schemes it has? Is it even aware that it raised a 'culture' in relation to the Cave Horrors, or that it raised the dead in the Cursed Archipelago? Perhaps, in its dreaming state, its power and influence were so well concealed as to not be detected by the Edicts.
But this is my rambling and mad speculation because I'm a gigantic lore nerd. I'd like to hear opinions from you guys.
23-May-2016 22:02:07