What I'm more concerned about is if we're even relevant in the world anymore.
Can gods just teleport us away? Can they one shot us now?
There are only 2 quests till Endgame, so we won't be apart from our dear Soul for too long, but enough to make me worry we're just some peasant now instead of this fate altering badass.
Does it matter? If you lose your WG powers, you can become a God. And with your deity, you can be known as "The Zaros Brothers" ...get 4 more Gods to join you and you have a full set.
Runescape doesn't need a hero...it needs a villain. An all encompassing force of evil that will remain ever-threatening and use chaos to make the peoples of Gielinor tolerate each other, grow strong together, and fight side by side against this evil. I am that villain.
He stole a bit of it.
What I'm more concerned about is if we're even relevant in the world anymore.
Can gods just teleport us away? Can they one shot us now?
There are only 2 quests till Endgame, so we won't be apart from our dear Soul for too long, but enough to make me worry we're just some ****** now instead of this fate altering badass.
We are still us. Even if we were stripped of it all....we'd find a way. Though without our Guardian protection, it would have to be a surprise as well as sudden and instantly deadly. Killing them without them being aware of us or having a chance to explain, surrender or anything other such tactic would be the only path where we wouldn't get squashed like a bug.
Sounds extreme but it would be our only chance as with no protection they'd twist our mind like a pretzel. Even if only by accident, the first time they lay eyes on us.
While our Guardian power lets us be mouthy, it's probably also the only way we'll be able to settle things without extreme measures.
I wouldn't worry too much. Zaros has our back.
so when Sliske used the staff of Armadyl to try and siphon out the players soul... did he also siphon off guthix's gift? this would mean were now vulnerable to god magic... but we could also become a god
Believe me, i have the Measure in my bank and i have done KS.
Look below for results.
so when Sliske used the staff of Armadyl to try and siphon out the players soul... did he also siphon off guthix's gift? this would mean were now vulnerable to god magic... but we could also become a god
Believe me, i have the Measure in my bank and i have done KS.
Look below for results.
I am not a god.
Try stabbing gods with it
I do not ship ZamorakxZaros.
I follow them. And Marimbo, the best t5 god.
A Mighty
I'm almost certain that the WG was confirmed immortal (can only die in battle) so you have a long time with it to try to ascend...
and when you do die in battle, death comes along and magicks you back to life
and if he doesnt, you kick the underworld's behind until it lets you out