Pirate's Treasure:
- Add a quick blurb in lore why exactly Karamja Rum is a contraband item.
- maybe make a small improvement to the reward chest
Someone else did a mention of this in a google doc. Like improving the general gp value or adding a unique ring (imagine a F2P accessible ring that gives a +1 invisible boost to Fishing, or has combat stat boosts comparable to the Beacon Ring or Pathfinder set Ring)
Jungle Potion
Like you said, nothing wrong with the lore of the quest.
But maybe do something with the herbs post quest? Like a wild equivalent to Guam, Marrentil, and Tarromin?
They have a slow respawn rate. So it's not like having them be used to make Attack, Strength, and Anti-poison potions would be game breaking.
Vampyre Slayer
At least saying the stake and hammer are made from Blisterwood (or from a hybrid plant that they tried to cross-pollinate Blisterwood and a second plant), you would have 1 reason why it killed Count Draynor.
As to why he turned to ash, that's where you can get into "something happened to the stake" (ie: not a 100% blisterwood, a silver blessed unguent doused on it, it was made from a fragment of one of the original Sunspears, etc)
Yeah, the Attack XP reward should become a generic combat XP lamp reward.
01-Mar-2017 19:12:32
- Last edited on
01-Mar-2017 19:13:00