So this might not be the right place for this thread but how many people legitimately care about the game's lore? I've been feeling like I'm part of the minority of people who actually like the lore.
A decent metric might be to look at the numbers for god emissaries and compare that to the number of RS3 players...
...but as far as I know Jagex only ever released the percentages for emissaries, so that wouldn't work.
Patrolling Lore FC almost makes you wish for a Great Revision.
I think lorehounds have a tendency to underestimate the amount of players that are actually interested in the game's story, simply because they don't contribute to the forums or whatever. Generally speaking the amount of people that actually contribute to a discussion are a very small fraction of any group. Most people are just lurkers/interested but don't contribute.
We're probably in the minority, but far from just a few.
I have noticed your kind does tend to blindly stumble forward towards danger simply because it exists. What is your word for that?