I remember the curses as a guilty pleasure... overpowered as hell, and cancerous for the game, but it was kinda fun (at least for a little while) ripping through hordes of monsters at light speed never having to restock.
It's unquestionably EZ-scape content, and the more I think about it the more it really seems like a mistake not worth repeating. Honestly, it's not worth marketing / developing content to try to attract 2012-era players as the only runescape they ever knew was an addled, cancer-stricken dying version of the game.
The mistaken notion that the purpose of this game is to replicate Pre-EOC runescape remains wrong - developing content towards people who already expect gobs of free xp and content that practically plays itself is a surefire way to ruin the game. Again.
25-Jun-2017 14:01:15