Also people who dont support summoning dont understand a simple fact, without summoning there is no multi pking. People pk only north of edgeville, the area north of grand exchange is dead. With the release of summoning there will be always summoning pures and tanks who will pk there. As with summoning pures and tanks there will come rangers (dbow pures). As with dbow pures there will come obby pures to pk in multi. As with obby pures there will come iban pures (my most loved ones). People open your minds! 2007scape is not only a place for mid-high level pvm'ers and pk'ers. Low level pure community always existed and it was the funniest and most interesting community to play. In rs3 it is totally dead, jagex wont change it. Bh release on rs3 was fail.
Come on guys! Together we can bring glorious days of summoning back! Support, support and again, support!!! Bring polls!
06-Jan-2017 13:31:04