By far the biggest benefit to Summoning was that it introduced many more opportunities for making money into the game. There are a lot of items in RuneScape that are relatively useless. Summoning gave a purpose to these items, put them in demand, and created opportunities for people of all skill levels to make money gathering these items. It additionally gave a purpose to fighting certain monsters that were previously useless. Remember Waterfiends? Currently in OS, and in RS3 prior to summoning, they were basically useless monsters that nobody fought. Once they were made an excellent source of charms, they became one of the most popular monsters to fight.
If not Summoning, then something similar. Something that requires a wide variety of items - preferably items that already exist in game - from a wide variety of monsters. Give people a reason to fight more than the same dozen monsters; give people a reason to collect the wide array of (currently useless) items in game, giving people an opportunity to make money.
13-Oct-2019 21:27:05