Summoning, a topic I certainly enjoy talking about. One thing about summoning I enjoyed is it made stuff like slayer and pvm a bit more exciting for me, heck sure something like unicorn and bunyip or other things made it kind of silly to never die I guess. But to suppose if there were nerfs before entering the game again then maybe.
I personally did not hate summoning, I loved it. Most people see it as "great another skill to wreck my poor gp stack." Well.. you have to spend money to make money.
Summoning was being developed in 07 and a close release to 07.
Pking on the other hand with summoning on the other hand was pretty weird.
Every other update they come up with was inspired by rs3's content.
Now the full talk about summoning. It was more of the fun skills, one it gave me motivation to actually do slayer. I never cared about my fat cash stack anyway like everyone else is going for. I played the game to just enjoy it, it made pvm quite more fun really even if it was a little broken. When I played from classic runescape I always loved to see the new release of skills and just more general content to play with.
Right now with osrs it's all about "My clan will say no to this pole if it doesn't make my clan 200k a trip or 1m an hour."
Okay then...
one, summoning did make you money in plenty of ways albeit really stupid. I'd help UIM with more space to hold their items. Generally I do not see how the skill made pvm less fun unlike pking. I surely do not want to see osrs take the path of rs3 but it kind of already has. Most people in osrs do not like change unless it puts bonds in their pockets.
Well isn't this another [golbin sound]post
14-Aug-2019 04:24:00