I love summoning, but I am aware of the concerns everyone has in terms of transforming the combat system. What I propose, is have it be a prayer book instead, that requires additional skills depending on the familiar being used. I feel it would, if implemented carefully, be a great addition to the ongoing expansion of Zeah, and perhaps with an overhaul of the arceuus spellbook, could transform combat in a non-frustrating manner. Frankly, as it stands, the spellbook is trash, but it is very promising, lore-wise, and telling of the close relationship between prayer and magic in the western lands, as it pertains to the blurring of lines between life and death. I definitely think it's worth expounding upon, and summoning as an offshoot of prayer could be the way to do that.
Or, if that's too much for the "muh '07" crowd to handle, rework the Arceuus spellbook into a proper necromancy spellbook, and implement it that way.
26-Jan-2019 04:04:56