Stopping smuggling would be a type of pvm action that isn’t as risky as fighting a boss or some pirates. The traffickers are transporting a large amount of an item that has become contraband in the kingdom that the players are working for. The traffickers don’t want to risk getting killed or captured in a battle so they are moving fast in a lightly armed ship to evade navy ships. The players chase the traffickers and try to stop them before they arrive in a harbor and place their contraband in the black market. Upon stopping the smugglers, the players board their ship, arrest their crew, and seize whatever contraband item it is transporting. The crew of the smuggling ship would be angered that they have been stopped and likely make a desperate attempt to escape by fighting the players who have boarded their ship. That fighting leads to smugglers getting killed, instead of arrested, by the players. With the smuggling crew out of the way, the players seize the contraband and take it with any arrested smugglers to a harbor where they are handed to local law enforcement.
28-Jul-2017 02:50:05